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Are you tired of having a double chin you just cannot get rid of? If so, Kybella treatment may be the answer you are looking for. This injectable treatment is specifically formulated to target and destroy this stubborn fat. Learn more during a consultation with us at Beauty CO in Raleigh, NC!
Kybella® is the only FDA-approved treatment that improves your profile by destroying the fat cells under your chin. It is an effective treatment to address submental fullness, which is commonly referred to as a double chin.
Kybella treatments have many benefits including:
The technique is minimally invasive. It consists of a series of small injections under the chin.
The results are intended to be permanent. Once fat cells are destroyed, your body cannot produce new fat cells.
The procedure is fast. Once the quick procedure is done, there is practically no downtime before you can return to your regular activities.
The injectable may help promote a more youthful appearance.
Benefits and results of this injectable treatment will vary for each individual and their goals.
Kybella works by taking a synthetic form of a naturally-occurring molecule in the body, deoxycholic acid, that breaks down the absorption of dietary fat. When it is injected into the skin, it begins to destroy the fat cells so they can no longer store or accumulate fat.
Kybella is the right choice for many people who are looking to improve their appearance. If you fit into any of the following categories, you may want to look into it.
It is important to remember this injectable does not offer any skin tightening benefits.
Kybella treatments are performed on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our Raleigh office. Treatment sessions are relatively short, and injections are administered directly into areas of concern. There is little to no discomfort associated with this experience, but you may feel a slight pinching. As there is no medical downtime associated with this treatment, you are able to resume daily activities! Side effects of moderate swelling will be present for an average of 5 days.
• Avoid all blood-thinning medications, EXCEPT those prescribed by your physician, for 1 week prior to your appointment. This will reduce the chances of excessive bruising with your injections.
Some examples include:
Advil, Aleve, Aspirin, Excedrin or Ibuprofen, Fish oils, Garlic, Ginger, Ginko, Turmeric, Vitamin E
• We also recommend refraining from the use of alcohol for 24 prior to the treatment.
• Avoid high sodium foods 24-48 hours prior to treatment
• Come in with no makeup on treatment site
• Taking arnica tablets beginning 3 days prior to your injections may help minimize bruising. Eat pineapple for a few days! Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which may decrease swelling & inflammation.
• Avoid dental work two weeks leading up to treatment- we will not prvide Kybella treatment if patient has had dental work within 2 weeks of treatment
• Do not take any medication day-of to reduce swelling, as it’s an important part of the fat removal and healing process
• Do not use irritating products such as tretinoin, retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid and other harsh AHA/BHA ingredients, hydroquinone, bealching agents, or toher surface irritants on treamtnet area 24-48 hours before Kybella treatment
• Avoid exercise for 3-5 days post Kybella.
• Avoid high sodium foods 48 hours post treatment
• Do not rub/massage area of treatment at any point in the healing process
• Do not wrap treated area/compress/prohibit swelling in any way post treatment, as this is important to the healing process
• Avoid extreme heat for 2-3 days post treatment (hot tub, sauna, etc)
• IF uncomfortable, place a cold compress on the area for 20 minutes, then remove for 20 minutes. Continue this as needed for the first 24 hours, then only ice for 15 minutes every hour
• Sleep on your back with head elevated for 3-5 days post treatment
• Avoid alcohol for 2-3 days post treatment
• Avoid irritants such as tretinoin, retinol, Glycolic acid, salicylic acid and other harsh AHA/BHA acids, Hydroquinone, bleaching agents for 5 days post treatment
Ready to rejuvenate the appearance of your chin? Contact us today at Beauty CO and schedule your consultation to learn more about Kybella! Our professional staff proudly serves your from Raleigh, North Carolina. Discover your options for destroying stubborn submental fat today!